Friday 7 January 2011

Dr No-Love, or: How the Media and the Kop learned to Start Worrying and Hate Woy

Roy Hodgson can speak 5 languages fluently, was a well known P.E. teacher, and  has managed 19 football sides. He can turn water into wine, and if that's still too downmarket, wine into Champagne. And yet, he is the most hated man in football at the moment. In 'The Times', Tony Cascarino screamed for his head, the usually reserved (if not totally biased) Alan Hansen came the closest he's ever come to publicly declaring that a manager should leave. But I think some clarity is needed on the issue.

Roy Hodgson has won many fans in Liverpool, albeit mostly Evertonians
The Sun was delighted when Roy was appointed, with Ian Wright declaring he'd rather see someone like Roy appointed rather than a foreign boss such as Mancini. At least Wright has the good grace to state he empathises with the beleaguered Liverpool boss in this later article, but the treatment from some of the media, and the fans towards Roy is disgraceful. The Times today stated that Roy wasn't qualified to take a job at such a big club. I'd hate to argue, but if you could find a more decorated CV for a current English manager, with success with continental teams, then I'd be very surprised. And although the fans have a right to be discontent with current performances, Liverpool fans have to realise they are no longer the same team that finished 2nd in the 2008-2009 season. They are sluggish, without ideas, a team without a consistent striker, or players who care about the club. The spine of the club (Reina, Gerrard and Torres) are shadows of their former selves, with only the talismanic Gerrard putting in a real shift. And it's not all Hodgson's fault - this is the same squad that were putting in below-par performances last season which cost the club their Champions League spot. With Torres proving to be Mr Biscuit-legs again, an entire overhaul of players is needed for the club to become competitive again. 

Fernando Torres, during one of his brief and sporadic periods where he wasn't injured

I doubt that New England Sport ventures could stomach the cost of such a rebuilding project, and what manager would be tempted to a football club where the majority of fans seemingly want to be managed by a man who hasn't managed a club since 2000

For the neutral, it'll certainly be a fun few months to watch the actions at Anfield. And I suspect Mr Hodgson will certainly enjoy it from his armchair than the dugout...

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